Old Main and Griff II

CPHS Coat Sponsorship 

Celebrate your connection to Drake's pharmacy, occupational therapy, nursing or athletic training students by supporting our CPHS Coat Sponsorship campaign & Student Professional Travel Fund. Please consider a $100 gift to support our students and their professional development.

For every gift of $100 made by July 15, 2024, a card with your name will be inserted into the pocket of a coat to let a student know of your support, and you will be announced as the student's coat sponsor and recognized in the event program. Recent graduates (within the last 10 years) can contribute at the $50 level. Additional donations above $100 will be added to the Student Professional Travel Fund.

Beyond supporting the cost of the coat, funds will be used to assist students as they continue their professional journey by attending national, regional and state professional meetings. Thank you for making an investment in the future of our professions!

If you live outside the U.S. please please contact Pam Pepper at pam.pepper@drake.edu for more information on how to make an online gift. Thank you.

Supporters just like you help to make a difference every day.