Social Media Directory

Social media is one way our alumni stay connected to each other. Through tweets, Facebook statuses and photos, you can feel connected to your alma mater and your fellow graduates. You can also stay linked to the University by following your college/school on various platforms. Visit the Drake University Social Media Directory for a comprehensive list.



    Drake University Alumni Facebook


    Drake University Alumni Twitter


    Drake University Alumni Instagram


    Drake University YouTube

    Drake University Alumni Flickr

    Drake University Alumni LinkedIn


Facebook Groups

Our region-specific Facebook groups provided alumni a place to connect and engage with each other.

Facebook     All Greek Reunion
Facebook     Black Alumni
Facebook     DU Alumni of Central Iowa
Facebook     DU Alumni of the Chicago Area
Facebook     DU Alumni of the Dallas-Fort Worth Area
Facebook     DU Alumni of Denver
Facebook     DU Alumni of Houston
Facebook     DU Alumni of Kansas City 
Facebook     DU Alumni of the Minneapolis-St. Paul Area 
Facebook     DU Alumni of the New York City Area 
Facebook     DU Alumni of Phoenix
Facebook     DU Alumni of St. Louis
Facebook     DU Alumni of Southern California  
Facebook     DU Alumni of Washington D.C.  
Facebook     Drake University D-Club 
Facebook     LGBTQ+


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