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Drake University Women's Soccer Blue Crew Fund

The Drake University Women's Soccer Blue Crew Fund gives an opportunity for alumni, fans, friends, and families to provide financial support for the program above and beyond the team's operating budget.

The main goals of Drake Women's Soccer are to provide the best experience for our student-athletes, give them an opportunity to compete for championships and to prepare them to be successful in life after graduating from Drake University.  Your gift to Drake Women's Soccer directly impacts Women's Soccer student-athletes by providing additional resources that will enhance the daily experience of the players and coaches and allow Drake Women's Soccer to pursue these goals.

Areas that will be impacted by your investment include:

-  Skills development training
-  Team travel
-  Nutrition
-  Equipment
-  Scheduling

On behalf of the Drake Women's Soccer team, thank you for your gift to our program.

If you live outside the U.S. please please contact Pam Pepper at pam.pepper@drake.edu for more information on how to make an online gift. Thank you.

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Supporters just like you help to make a difference every day.