Exterior aerial view of Old Main

Make A Gift Online

Thank you for making a gift to Drake University!

The generosity of our alumni and friends has a direct impact on our students.

All gifts are made through a secure server and generate an email confirmation. A gift receipt will be mailed to you in the next 7 to 10 business days.

If you would like to support a fund that is not listed, select "Other" designation and type in the comment box where you would like your gift designated.

Note: All fields marked with an * are required.

If you live outside the U.S. please please contact Pam Pepper at pam.pepper@drake.edu for more information on how to make an online gift. Thank you.


**Please keep in mind, Drake's fiscal year is July 1 - June 30.  For recognition purposes all gifts made between these dates will be counted.

Drake University Giving Societies

The following are giving societies associated with Drake University:

The Bonnie and Lewis McNurlen Consecutive Giving Society
recognizes committed and loyal alumni who make gifts to Drake University of any amount and for any purpose in two or more consecutive years. Once you make a gift in two consecutive years you become a member of the McNurlen Society and remain a member as long as you continue to make a gift in each of the following fiscal years.

The President's Circle
recognizes donors who give a total of $1,000 or more to provide operational support during the fiscal year. The generosity of the members of the President’s Circle is recognized at the annual Francis Marion Drake Society dinner.

The Old Main Society
recognizes donors who have made gifts of $1,000 or more in support of a capital or endowed project. The generosity of the members of the Old Main Society is recognized at the annual Francis Marion Drake Society dinner.

The Chancellor's Elm Society
honors alumni and friends who make a planned gift to Drake University. Examples of planned gifts include charitable bequests, charitable gift annuities, charitable trusts, charitable gifts of life insurance, charitable beneficiary designations, and other gift planning vehicles.

Supporters just like you help to make a difference every day.