Exterior aerial view of Old Main

Drake Community Press

"Writing with..."

Our unique, curriculum-based publishing laboratory at the Drake Community Press brings students, faculty, and community professionals from a variety of academic disciplines and backgrounds into conversation with a non-profit partner that has a compelling story to tell. Since 2011, the DCP has produced several titles in partnership with selected human service non-profits in Iowa and raised more than $60,000 to help those organizations advance their cause.

Your gift will help the Press continue to provide Drake under-graduates with exceptional and immersive learning experiences they will remember long after their studies are over.

Make a donation by selecting the gift amount and click "Donate Now".

If you live outside the U.S. please please contact Pam Pepper at pam.pepper@drake.edu for more information on how to make an online gift. Thank you.

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The Ones - Drake's campaign for the brave & bold

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