Drake’s minor in leadership education and development (LEAD) promotes an interdisciplinary journey that begins in the classroom and steers Bulldogs to discover their potential to create positive change on the global stage.
More than simply the competence and confidence of leadership, Drake students cultivate an understanding of and drive for the positive transformation possible through collaboration, inclusion, and ethical process. With leadership comes service.

With the generous support of LEAD donors, I was able to travel to Galway, Ireland and complete a service-learning project with Age Action, a non-profit that educates individuals 55 and older on how to use cellphones, tablets, and laptops. I had the opportunity to tutor six students one-on-one and also develop and execute two refresher workshops for graduates of Age Action; while also helping Ireland reach the United Nations Goal of making everyone technology literate.
If you live outside the U.S. please please contact Pam Pepper at pam.pepper@drake.edu for more information on how to make an online gift. Thank you.