Global Citizenship

Drake University is a global institution, with responsible global citizenship central to our mission statement.  We strive for mobility of minds, engaging students in examining other cultures and perspectives, and providing them with exposure to and experience with the world in a variety of forms. 

Your gift will enable us to achieve our mission by:

  • Providing students with transformative global learning experiences in various countries around the world
  • Infusing global and intercultural learning into curriculum across the University
  • Partnering with institutions around the world in support of global research, joint programming, and shared knowledge
  • Supporting international students and ensuring their integration into the Drake and Des Moines communities
  • Bringing the world to Drake's campus by hosting speakers, scholars, and programs that broaden perspectives

Thank you for making a difference in our effort to transform lives and strengthen communities.

All contributions are tax deductible to the extent of the current tax code.

If you live outside the U.S. please please contact Pam Pepper at for more information on how to make an online gift. Thank you.

Supporters just like you help to make a difference every day.